FreshBooks Support

Get Help With FreshBooks

Do you need help with FreshBooks?

You might be a good candidate for FreshBooks Office hours.  This is a private support group for business owners who do their bookkeeping on FreshBooks and support from a Certified FreshBooks Accounting Partner.  In addition to making sure your FreshBooks file is in tip-top shape, the group also serves as a bit of of a “mastermind” for small business owners who need that camaraderie from other entrepreneurs.

How It Works

  • This is a private community EXCLUSIVELY for business owners who use FreshBooks for their bookkeeping software.
  • You do your own bookkeeping at the beginning of each week.
  • Join the weekly zoom video calls (6 per month) to have your questions answered on Tuesdays from 2:30-3:30 EST and the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 EST.
  • Some weeks we have a short 10 minute teaching session about a predetermined topic related to FreshBooks or small business topics.
  • Post any additional questions in the private Facebook community throughout the week for written guidance.

Who Is The Fresh Bookkeeping Network For

  • You want accountability to accurately maintain your bookkeeping so that it can be a tool for data-driven growth instead of a disorganized, delinquent disaster.
  • You recognize that you don’t know what you don’t know (though you are pretty sure that your books are inaccurate and behind).
  • You want an expert to teach you how to most efficiently do your business bookkeeping and use FreshBooks.
  • You are sick of scrambling at tax time. THIS will be the year that you impress your tax preparer!
  • You are a service-based business in the US on track to gross between $50-$150k annually that has been in operation less than 18 months.
  • You are smart, nice, and supportive of others (this really should be the first bullet).
  • This is only for people who use FreshBooks.

The Fresh Bookkeeping Network is NOT for you if…

  • You don’t use FreshBooks for your business bookkeeping. We only are teaching and offering support to business owners using FreshBooks. If you use a different software, then this service is not for you.
  • You are not a service based businesses. So that means it is not for restaurants, brick and mortar stores, strictly e-Commerce (a little bit of e-Comm revenue is o.k.), manufacturers.
  • You are a jerk. My standard of pleasantness is very high.
  • You are looking for someone to completely take over your bookkeeping (though that is a service I offer).
  • You are looking for someone to file your taxes.


  • You can cancel your membership at any time.
  • You can submit questions confidentially.
  • You can watch the recordings of the short teaching sessions at the beginning of some office hours via recorded video inside the community.
  • I will not be doing your bookkeeping for you, but when you are ready to fully outsource your bookkeeping tasks, I’m happy to discuss coming on board for ongoing service.
  • Your books will be in tiptop shape to give your tax preparer or to do your own taxes, but no tax prep or filing will be done for you. I do have a strong referral network for tax services, though.

Your Teacher

Kate Josephine Johnson. Owner of Heritage Business Services. FreshBooks expert. Member of the FreshBooks Partner Advisory Council. Top 50 Women In Accounting in 2020. Baylor Bear. Navy Wife. Early Bird. Born Teacher.

Kate Johnson wearing a FreshBooks Shirt