New Business Support Package

Learn FreshBooks QUICKLY

As a new business owner, you are well aware of how many different things you have to learn.  You went in to business to deliver great service to your clients, not to wrestle with bookkeeping.  

Deep down, you KNOW that you don’t know what you are doing.  You might not really EVER learn what you need to learn about bookkeeping, no matter how much you study or watch YouTube tutorials.  

This is why I created the New Business Startup Package. I want to remove your struggles and uncertainty with bookkeeping so you can go build a successful business based on accurate financial data.

Here is what you get:

2 hours of 1-on-1 customized set-up and training delivered via Zoom (spread over 2 separate meetings)

$250 Value

2 month complimentary membership to the Fresh Bookkeeping Network, my private support community for FreshBooks users.

$120 Value

Total Investment in your business for all of that 👆: $359

*Let’s call this average savings, between Plus vs Premium plans and also depending on what sale they are currently running. Look, I’ve got to market, right? A little pricing table like the one above is helpful. The point is you can use my referral link for a real discount on the product.